Safety is a team effort

World Day for Safety at Work is an opportunity to recall our commitment to safety

The COVID-19 pandemic has led governments, employers and workers to face unprecedented challenges in relation to the virus and the many effects it has had on the world of work.
World Day for Safety and Health at Work, celebrated on 28 April, focuses on strategies to strengthen national occupational safety and health systems to build the resilience that will be useful in dealing with crises, including in the future, drawing on the lessons learned and experiences of these months.

What is World Day for Safety and Health at Work?

World Day for Safety and Health at Work, which takes place on 28 April each year, was established in 2003 by the International Labour Organisation. The global event aims to focus international attention on the importance of preventing workplace accidents and occupational diseases and the need for a collective commitment to creating and promoting a culture of safety and health at work.

Safety culture

The meaning of the safety culture is to make risk assessment and prevention a fundamental element of every political, administrative and economic development choice. A social development that looks at safeguarding human lives, which can also generate considerable savings in terms of costs and productivity.